of educational programs
for MPEI professional retraining ceter
We prepared 9 creatives for test traffic concidering different publication formats (instagram posts, stories + horizontal for vk). 2 of 9 creatives in two formats are presented on this page.
Each creative targeted its audience: people already working in the electric power industry and those who are thinking about possible promotion or even not related to this industry, but willing to enter it;
field workers, who want to get a stable job with predictable salary
After filling the form landing page visitors received lead magnets*: a list of current vacancies in the electric power industry and a list of table-top books of main power engineers.
* lead-magnet - useful material that a person receives in exchange for his contact details.
As well as basic SEO settings, Yandex and Google metrics, connected Facebook pixel, created advertising accounts, spelled out tags, page descriptions, keywords and continued with promoting the Center's educational programs.
We did new web-page
When we started working with the MPEI Professional Retraining Center, it had a website that was not updated for a long time and did not contain information about all available educational programs.
We did an audience study and built a sales chain for test trafic release.
This was done so that the people who were not aware of the electric power industry could get to know it better, read more information about the University and its successful graduates.
The webinar was broadcast in recording but with the opportunity to ask questions in the chat. At the end of the webinar participants were invited to the educational programs application page where we proposed them unique conditions available only to the participants of our webinar.
the webinar registration
Part of the traffic was lead directly to
the other part - also to the webinar but through
the lead magnets and the letter thread
This was done so that the people who were not aware of the electric power industry could get to know it better, read more information about the University and its successful graduates.
The webinar was broadcast in recording but with the opportunity to ask questions in the chat. At the end of the webinar participants were invited to the educational programs application page where we proposed them unique conditions available only to the participants of our webinar.
the webinar registration
Part of the traffic was lead directly to
the other part - also to the webinar but through
the lead magnets and the letter thread
As part of the test traffic
30 000 RUB budget
1350 clicks
540 000 RUB
With such budget we've managed to get:
with shifts to the lead-magnets or the webinar registration pages.
66 direct applications for the webinar and 68 applications for the lead magnets. A total of 55 people watched the webinar, 3 of whom immediately applied for educational programs with total cost of
15 more applications through the site were received within a month of the webinar release. We continue to work with the Client developing new advertising creatives to increase the CTR of ads enhancing our sales chain data.
was agreed.
Ads statistics in the Facebook business account
Ads statistics in the Vkontakte ads account
As a result of our campaign in addition to educational programs applications, we received 134 contacts of the target audience and 40+ subscriptions to the social networks of the project.
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